Ahoj, zatím nevím přesnej rozpis, co kdy pojede, ale říkal sem si, aby to všichni věděli, kdy se to jede a mohli na 100% dojít. ;-)
Protože proti Slovakiaringu je návštěvnost Podzimky docela smutná :-/
Jinak program zatím tipuji následovně:
Čtvrtek 21. - volný testování
Pátek 22. - 2x kvalifikace
Sobota 23. - 1. závod
Neděle 24. - 2. závod
Tady je nějaký videjko, co mají na stránkách automotodromu :-)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz378gcz ... r_embedded
Podzimní cena Masarykova okruhu 21.-25.9.
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Podzimní cena Masarykova okruhu 21.-25.9.
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Re: Podzimní cena Masarykova okruhu 21.-25.9.
Slovakiaring bol super dobre som si zajazdil uz sa tesim na brno
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Re: Podzimní cena Masarykova okruhu 21.-25.9.
Takže je to tady, od zítřka od rána bude volný testování, tak kdybyste se někdo chtěl přijít podívat, tak už tam bude něco k vidění ;-) :-)
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.