Initial D česky
Re: Initial D česky
1. díl Final stage - ... db4343f58/

Measure With Micrometer, Mark With Chalk, Cut With Ax.
Woyta: "Kvalita zatáček se dá hodnotit počtem hrobečků. Čím víc hrobečků, tím větší zábava."
Re: Initial D česky
2. díl - ... 9836047e1/
3. díl - ... b22131197/
3. díl - ... b22131197/

Measure With Micrometer, Mark With Chalk, Cut With Ax.
Woyta: "Kvalita zatáček se dá hodnotit počtem hrobečků. Čím víc hrobečků, tím větší zábava."
Re: Initial D česky
Anime vs Reality
It is better to live dangerously for 34 years than to be bored for 84 years. (Adelaide Siffert)
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
Re: Initial D česky
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart