delka hadice k turbu

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Registrován: 02.06.2008, 19:02

delka hadice k turbu

Příspěvek od raziel »

cau dotaz ryychlej,zapojuju budik turba,dal jsem t rozbocovac do hadicky ze zadni strany sani,ale je trochu delsi-precniva mi asi lepsi jak to bude co nejkratsi?straci se tlak takhle?
My project site:
Obrázek 0-100km/h

The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine

My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
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Příspěvky: 4812
Registrován: 05.10.2004, 11:19
Bydliště: Piešťany, Slovensko

Re: delka hadice k turbu

Příspěvek od raddy »

tlak sa nestraca, ak ti to vyhovuje takto, kludne to nechaj, ale takisto mozes kludne ten zvysok hadicky cvaknut.
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Příspěvky: 241
Registrován: 02.06.2008, 19:02

Re: delka hadice k turbu

Příspěvek od raziel »

hele a jeste dodatek, uvazuju,ze bych hodil jeste jeden vetsi budik na levo ode mne (mam tri uprostred rtedka vcetne turba, neni to buh vi co na videni)-jak budu chtit pridat,normalne bude stacit opet T rozbocovac treba pod ten tedka a natahnout druhou hadicku,opet se nic nebude stracet?dik
My project site:
Obrázek 0-100km/h

The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine

My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
Uživatelský avatar
Příspěvky: 4812
Registrován: 05.10.2004, 11:19
Bydliště: Piešťany, Slovensko

Re: delka hadice k turbu

Příspěvek od raddy »

ale iste, len si nevyrob hadickovy uzol :D