Awatar píše:To že je na wisefab patent tě asi nesere, ještě, že to sem dáváš takhle veřejně pro pozdější identifikaci.
Kdyby si alespoň jednu sadu koupil, ale ještě si ji pujčovat. Fakt drzost lidí nezná mezí.
Na e30 mozu skopirovat wisefab, nechces udat aj ich, mozno dostanes u nich zlavu.
Uz citis tu nenavist!?...
A inak ludia od WISEFABU VEDIA ZE ICH PRODUKT SA KOPIRUJE neni na tom nic nelagalneho pre vlastne pouzitie, tak fakt neviem co tu trepes AWATAR. Ja nemam na to aby som si ich kupil ale ked si ich viem dat vyrobit tak za tych 200-300 eur mi to stoji!
Vyjadrenie WISEFABU ku kopiam stiahnute z FB profilu wisefab
9. December 2013 ·
For some time copies of our older products have been surfacing here and there. They claim to be up to date, all legal and at least as good as our originals. This is not true.
Copiers are always one step behind. We constantly upgrade our products according to customers' feedback and possible rule changes. Copiers are working with older versions.
Our products have been designed from zero by well-experienced suspension engineer (with a portfolio of working in ALMS, V8 Supercars etc.). When designing the products the keywords are: safety, good handling, good performance and reliability. Our products don’t snap. For example, we use five different steel materials in our kits because in different places different mechanical properties are needed. In some places high strength steel is working good, some other places softer and more flexible material would be needed to be able to bend and not break. We do a lot of stress analysis, just so our clients would be safe and we could sleep at night. We care about our clients and car parts can not become a hazard for Your safety.
Also we are doing thorough quality control to „ready to ship” products, aswell to materials and their certifications, not finding the cheapest available material, we keep checking the certifications etc. that would stand up to the demands engineer has set them.
So what would you prefer, doing a 100+ mph backwards entry with reliable parts done by professional suspension engineer or by someone who has no idea about suspension kinematics, strength calculations or materials used in our kits, but who is saving you few bucks, because he has not spent months and months engineering and testing these parts?